WWTP of Athenian Brewery in Patras, Greece (Heineken group)

The Wastewater Treatment Plant of Athenian Brewery in Patras has a capacity of 50.000 P.E. The plant has a particularity, due to the nature of the product, that the hydraulic loads change drastically over periods of time, coercing the wastewater treatment plant to process high and low influent loads and subsequently stress the system. The addition of the specific microbial strains has helped the plant to make smoother transitions from low to high loads, being able to treat up to 25% more waste. Also, in the past, the plant was producing an average of 2.700 tons of dewatered sludge per year, prior to the application of bioaugmentation, resulting in a vast cost for disposal. Bioaugmentation has been implemented since 2015 resulting in significant reduction of the surplus sludge production. Additionally, the actual electricity consumption has been reduced up to 25%. Polyelectrolyte and chemicals consumption has also been minimized due to the reduction of dewatered sludge production.

